SNL Partners with National Center for Farmworker Health to Educate Migrant Workers about Bird Flu
Strangers No Longer has built a team of bi-lingual organizers to contact dairy farmworkers in Michigan about avoiding the very dangerous Bird Flu. They are working in the Thumb (Sanilac, Lapeer, Huron and Tuscola Counties), in the M-127 Corridor (Lansing to Mt. Pleasant) and in Van Buren County in SW Michigan. In addition, the outreach organizers are doing 1-1’s with local pastors, school principals and county health departments in order to create a community-wide team able to give information on Bird Flu. SNL was awarded a grant from the National Center for Farmworker Health (Texas) to do this work — they had the funds from a grant from the Center for Disease Control. We are partnering with the Michigan Dept. of Health and Human Services in this effort. The 5 Outreach Organizers build relationships, arrange presentations, and distribute materials to migrant workers and their families. To arrange a presentation, contact SNL Bird Flu Project Manager, Carmen Luna,
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Bird Flu Team

BIll O’Brien
Project Manager

Carmen Luna
Project Coordinator

Rosa Yanez
Regional Coordinator