Strangers No Longer Events




SNL Drive Safe Lobby Day

Lansing, MI

SNL Begins Local Advocacy--Join Us!

Our Circles have been working to create relationships with state and federal legislators to promote drivers licenses for those who are undocumented and to secure a path to citizenship for people trying to build a new life in the U.S. That work continues. Now we have begun to direct our efforts to the local level. We are engaging business leaders, local civic leaders, and school boards to work with us to make our communities welcoming to immigrants. We have begun conducting training/planning sessions for Circle members--and anyone else who is interested.

If you would like to join us, please email [email protected].  Everyone is welcome--whether or not you currently belong to a Circle of Support.

Mass to Celebrate World Day of Migrants and Refugees was on September 22nd
View by clicking picture at left 

Monsignor Kosanke of Most Holy Trinity and Padre Beto of Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrated with us. Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Choir provided the music. 

Photos of Recent Events

World Migrant and Refugee Mass on September 22, 2021 at Most Holy Trinity - Detroit, MI.

World Migrant and Refugee Mass on September 22, 2021 at Most Holy Trinity - Detroit, MI.

Bike Ride/Walk for Casa Samaritano Shelter in Mexico 

Bike Ride/Walk for Casa Samaritano Shelter in Mexico